Financial Advice: Sensible Enough for Men But Made For Women

Manage Your Financial Life was my first book and it is geared towards women. Marsha’s Spot blog reviewed the book and noted: “I appreciate that the book is written to be geared towards women, but I can see that any man would also gain from the book.” Check out the full review below: 

The full title is Manage Your Financial Life:  A Thoughtful, Organized Approach for Women and it published by The Doyle Group.

The author, Nancy Doyle has 30 years of experience in wealth management, finance, investments, and consulting.  She believes that when it comes to money, independence and objectivity are essential.  She neither works for nor partnered with any financial firms.  She received her MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.  She holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.

Managing Your Financial Life is a debut book for Nancy Doyle.  It addresses a common problem for most women–their financial lives have become complex.  Many women want to have more knowledge regarding their financial affairs, but don’t know where to start.

The book is written in 4 parts and 13 chapters and also includes a Preface and Introduction.
Most prefaces and introductions are short, but Doyle’s are 19 pages total, leaving nothing out on her reasons and purpose for the book.

Part 1 will help you get organized.  Here is where I really need help, and definitely a first step to getting your finances in order.

Part 2 is how to analyze your financial profile.  Budgeting might be the short word for it as she goes into detail on creating your financial statement, evaluating your cash flow, evaluating your debt, a plan to pay off debt and much more.

Parts 3 and 4 are all about investing.  These are the parts that interest me the most.  Over the years I have wanted to invest.  I’ve read many books and articles on the subject and always leave confused.  I really like how she explains the terms in simple English.  Each term that you need to know is even in bold as you read.

I appreciate that the book is written to be geared towards women, but I can see that any man would also gain from the book.  I know I intend to read many parts of it out loud with my husband, even though I also intend to use the book for myself to learn how to invest the little that I earn for the future.

Originally published:

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