Holiday Tipping Guide

The holidays are joyful and also a little stressful. In addition to getting a head start on shopping, plan your holiday tips early. Holiday tips are a nice way to say “thank you” to those who help us out during the year.  Many have questions about whom to tip during the holidays and how much to give.  Here are a few thoughts:

  • For those who help you out regularly – dog walker, trainer, hair stylist, babysitter, piano teacher – tip the equivalent of one service or session.
  • For nannies or housekeepers who work with you more than once a week, consider one week’s pay as a holiday bonus.
  • For teachers or coaches, consider pooling voluntary contributions from parents and putting the funds toward a gift card to be given at the end of the season or at the end of the school year.
  • For other service providers that you use infrequently, you could double the tip that you would give other times of the year.

Every year make a list of holiday tips – for whom and how much you gave. It is a great resource, especially for the following year. You will be more organized, less likely to forget someone, and more comfortable that your tips are appropriate.

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