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Your Unique Financial Goals

What Are Your Savings Goals? Today is the perfect time to reconsider your financial goals. If you have a partner, make this discussion a priority. It is the only way to determine if you are on the same page when planning for the future. To assess your financial needs, ask yourself the following questions: Are there any impending near-term changes in your life? Do you need dividends or interest to support your present lifestyle? When do you plan to retire? What about other long-term plans, such as having children, changing jobs, traveling, or starting a business? Do you want to help your children with college expenses? Do you want to support specific charities? Are there unique factors to consider, such as health issues? Do other people rely on you for financial support? Do you have children or other family members with special needs? Are you interested in and willing to…

Assessing your Financial Needs and Goals

What Are Your Savings Goals? The new year is the perfect time to reconsider your financial goals. If you have a partner, make this discussion a priority. It is the only way to determine if you are on the same page when planning for the future. To assess your financial needs, ask yourself the following questions: Do you need dividends or interest to support your present lifestyle? Are there any impending near-term changes in your life? When do you plan to retire? What about other long-term plans such as having children, changing jobs, traveling, or starting a business? Do you want to help your children with college expenses? Do you want to support specific charities? Are there unique factors to consider, such as health issues? Do other people rely on you for financial support? Do you have children or other family members with special needs? Are you interested in and…
