Planning for Retirement

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When it comes to planning and saving for retirement, you must be consistent, disciplined, and use reasonable, realistic assumptions for investment returns.  Explore the blog articles below for helpful advice during this stage of life.

WGN Radio – Saving For Retirement: Start Early, Be Disciplined, and Plan Prudently

Compounding investment returns are the gift that keeps on giving. This is the perfect time to re-post the important lessons I discussed as a guest on WGN Radio Wintrust Business Lunch. The topic was how millennials can save a million dollars. It is important to start early and be consistent. Save and invest every year. You also must be disciplined. Once you invest that money, you cannot touch it. Last, use reasonable assumptions for annual investment returns, or what you expect to earn on your money every year. Note – the segment begins at 23:45. WGN Radio Wintrust Business Lunch

Advice for Those Just Starting Out – Guest Appearance on Wintrust Business Lunch

Nancy Doyle was a guest on Wintrust Business Lunch. The majority of college graduates leave school with student debt burdens. Moreover, rents in major metropolitan areas are high. Despite these headwinds, people can find a way to save by analyzing their spending. For those just starting out, time is on your side. Save and invest early and consistently to take advantage of the magic of compounding. Listen in beginning at 19:35. See link below: WGN Wintrust Business Lunch

Unorthodox Retirement Strategies That Actually Work

Planning for retirement looks very different than it did for previous generations. Most Americans working today do not have a defined benefit pension plan, or a traditional pension. The primary sources of retirement funds come from defined contribution pension plans, such as 401(k)s and 403(b)s, and from IRAs. In her piece, “11 Unorthodox Retirement Strategies That Actually Work”, Karen Doyle shares retirement planning ideas that diverge from traditional approaches. These strategies – mine and those of other financial experts – are helpful for all of us to consider. See link below. Karen Doyle “11 Unorthodox Retirement Strategies That Actually Work” GOBankingRates

Fianancial Advice: Things Women Over 40 Should Know About Money

Karen Doyle quoted me in an article she published on, on Money Facts women over 40 should know. Educating yourself about finance and investing is important for all of us, especially for women. During our lifetime, most of us go through transitions with a financial impact – marriage, homeownership, parenthood, starting a business, divorce, widowhood. In her piece, “40 Things Women Over 40 Need to Know About Money”, Karen Doyle shares financial advice for women in middle life and beyond. The 40 points raised – mine and those of other financial experts – address many essential topics all women should consider as they plan for their future. Check out the full article below.

WGN Radio Wintrust Business Lunch – How millennials can save a million dollars for retirement

On August 1st, Nancy Doyle was a guest on WGN Radio Wintrust Business Lunch. The topic was how millennials can save a million dollars. It is important to start early and be consistent. Save and invest every year. You also must be disciplined. Once you invest that money, you cannot touch it. Last, use reasonable assumptions for annual investment returns, or what you expect to earn on your money every year. Note – the segment begins at 23:45. WGN Radio Wintrust Business Lunch

Nancy Doyle was a guest on WBBM’s Noon Business Hour

WBBM’s Noon Business Hour for 7/12/2017 On July 12th, Nancy Doyle was a guest on WBBM Newsradio Noon Business Hour. The topic was important retirement milestones. Take advantage of catch-up provisions starting at age 50 that allow you to put away even more money for retirement.  For 401(k) and 403(b) plans, those over 50 can save an extra $6,000 for retirement, or up to $24,000.  For IRA and Roth IRAs, the catch-up provision is $1,000 on top of the $5,500 you can put away each year. At what age you start collecting social security has a big impact on the size of the payments for both you and a spouse that may survive you. Keep these milestones in mind as you plan for the future. Note – the segment begins at 19:55.

Millennials, Rethink Your Approach To Retirement Planning

US News recently quoted me in a post that helps Millennials rethink their approach to retirement planning. For Millennial’s, retirement can seem a long way off. It is never too early to start planning. The idea of saving $1 million for retirement can seem like a lofty goal, but it is attainable if you are disciplined. It is also important to use realistic assumptions for returns and keep fees low. See full post below.

Financial Advice For Women In Various Stages of Life

It was an honor to be part of the Evanston Literary Festival. I discussed managing your finances through life transitions. I was the first of three female authors featured that day as part of Piven Theatre’s Women’s Voices Project, a year-long initiative in tandem with Piven’s 45th anniversary. They noted that the financial advice found in my book as a “comprehensive resource invaluable–and you find yourself coming back to it again and again.”  Read the full review below. Nancy Doyle: Manage Your Financial Life Is it time to take control of your financial life? Nancy Doyle offers an objective and straightforward perspective based on a wealth of professional and personal experience. In Manage Your Financial Life: A Thoughtful, Organized Approach for Women, she shares a practical and easy-to-understand system for getting organized, analyzing your financial profile, educating yourself about investing, and putting your money to work. Whether you’re going through a transition–parenthood, home…
