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The Chicago Board Options Exchange, or CBOE, created the VIX® to measure expected volatility for the US stock market. It is calculated on a real-time basis based on the prices of put and call options for the S&P 500® index over a rolling 30-day period. The VIX® is the global standard for measuring volatility. It is also called the Fear Index because it spikes when markets are turbulent.

Investing and Taxes

As an investor, you need to understand the impact of taxes. The taxes owed on investments depend on the type of investment account. For tax-deferred accounts, such as 401(k)s and 403(b)s, you contribute money from your paycheck before it is taxed, known as “pre-tax dollars.” In other words, you do not pay taxes on the portion of your salary that goes directly into your 401(k) or 403(b). Moreover, you do not pay taxes on the income or capital gains generated each year. Instead, you pay taxes when you withdraw money from the account. Roth IRAs and college savings plans, such as 529s, are examples of tax-advantaged accounts. You fund these kinds of accounts with after-tax dollars, and you do not get a tax break upfront. After you fund a Roth IRA or 529, the income, appreciation, and withdrawals are tax-free. For taxable accounts, income and capital gains are not tax-exempt or tax-deferred, so…

Protect Your Financial Information

Advances in technology and mobile communication have changed the way we manage our finances. These innovations save time and allow us to be more informed consumers. But the innovations have also introduced new risks and exposures. With time, your financial accounts will grow, as will the potential losses from identity theft and fraud. Review your credit report regularly. You can download your free report and search for errors or indications of fraud at If you will not be in the market for a new loan soon, it is possible to freeze or lock your credit profile to reduce the chance of identity theft. In that case, you need to contact each of the three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Here is a link to learn more. If you receive a suspicious email, text, or voicemail that appears to come from your credit card company, do not respond.…

Navigating Tax Season

Tax time can feel overwhelming for many people.  Preparing your taxes requires you to manage a lot of information and documents. In addition to your W-2 (or 1099-NEC forms if you are a contractor), you will need supporting documentation related to your savings and investment accounts. A 1099 statement details the year’s dividends, interest, and capital gains earned. Some investments are structured as partnerships and provide a year-end, or annual, K-1 instead of a 1099. A K-1 shows an investor’s share of partnership income for a given year. Transactions that you need to document at tax time occur throughout the year. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you keep a Current Year Taxes folder. As you receive tax-related documents in the mail or from a financial firm’s portal, store them in this paper folder or a similar folder on your hard drive. If you are a contractor, save an extra copy…

Recession Readiness: Emergency Reserves and Liquidity

Whether you get your information from the traditional financial press or podcasts, most sources are looking for a recession in 2023, especially during the first six months of the year. More than ever, we need to evaluate if we can weather such a storm. Experts recommend that you have an emergency fund sufficient to cover three-to-six months of living expenses. Your emergency fund should be a safe, stable reserve such as a savings account or money market fund. If you are new to the workforce, it may take time to build up an adequate reserve. The easiest way is to transfer a portion of your paycheck every pay period directly into an account. If you dip into your emergency fund, replenish it as soon as possible. In addition to an emergency reserve, you need to think about liquidity. Liquidity is a term from economics that indicates how easily an asset…

Focus On Cash Flow To Build Net Worth

Focusing on cash flow is key to building your net worth. Your financial well-being does not only depend on what your earn. It also depends on saving and consumption, or how much you keep. Discipline and being mindful about spending will help you stay out of debt and achieve your financial goals. Cash Flow Cash flow depends not only on your income but also on changes in your savings and debts. If, at the end of the year, you have not saved, and your credit card balance has grown, there is only one explanation – you consumed more than you earned. If you were able to save money or your debts have declined, you consumed less than you earned. Net Savings In terms of your take-home pay, you either spend it, consume it, or save it. The difference between income and spending or consumption is your net savings. Your net savings…

Diversification and Risk

When markets are turbulent, people increasingly focus on risk.  It is vital to understand the difference between risk you can control and risk you cannot. The saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” applies to investments because concentration increases risk. Whether you invest your money yourself or work with a professional, never put all your assets in the same basket—the same kind of stock, bond, mutual fund, or other investment. In addition to avoiding concentration, diversification is key to improving investment results. Various asset classes, or types of investments, tend to perform differently under certain market conditions. Some perform better, and some perform worse, depending on what is going on with the economy and financial markets. The best investment strategy is to have a diverse portfolio that includes a mixture of stocks, bonds, and international investments. Diversification across asset classes helps reduce risk; correlation illustrates this benefit. Correlation measures…

Innovation: Convenience and Risk

Thanks to innovation, the way we manage our financial lives has changed.  Advances in financial technology, or Fintech, save time and allow us to be more connected, more informed consumers. But the innovations have also introduced new risks and exposures. With time, your financial accounts will grow, and so will the potential losses from identity theft and fraud. Review your credit report regularly. You can download your free report and search for errors or indications of fraud at If you will not be in the market for a new loan soon, it is possible to freeze or lock your credit profile to reduce the chance of identity theft. In that case, you need to contact each of the three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Here is a link to learn more. If you receive a suspicious email, text, or voicemail that appears to come from your credit…

Benefits of Dollar Cost Averaging

When markets are turbulent, many ask if it is time to stop saving and investing.  The practice of saving and investing consistently has numerous benefits. The amount you save is not as important as getting into the habit of putting money aside on a regular basis. Automatic savings plans, which you can use to build an emergency reserve or save for a down payment, graduate school, or retirement, are a relatively painless way to save. You can set up an automatic transfer from your bank on the day you get paid, a practice known as “paying yourself first.” Investing a fixed-dollar amount at set intervals is called dollar-cost averaging. An advantage of these automatic plans is that you invest the same dollar amount every time. When markets are weak, or asset values have fallen, the same dollar amount will allow you to buy more shares of a mutual fund or a stock than when markets…

Financial Credentials Matter: Which Are Most Important

In recent years, the number of financial credentials has risen dramatically. It is important to note that the quality and usefulness vary. If you are choosing to work with a financial professional, you should understand what these credentials mean. The prestige of certifications and designations and their usefulness to clients varies considerably. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA, has a designation lookup feature on its website, The tool is very helpful, especially because you can compare different designations side by side. FINRA does not endorse or recommend any of these designations. The list of designations on the FINRA website is extensive.  Currently, there are more than 200 listed. How do you determine which are the most meaningful? Look up what is required to achieve and maintain the various designations. If you need help with retirement planning, what are the prerequisites for becoming a Certified Retirement Financial Advisor (CRFA),…
